2eb10b18fa Suddenly a loud crack! the fighting compartment of the Tenente Spaggetti's Autoblinda is lit up with a blinding flash! The crew bails out but is quickly surrounded by men of the British Army. Its frustrating. Jea, the game stops at EVERY SILNGE UNIT that is destroyed, or in the case of vehicles, only damaged. .. The AI is so bad that it feels like its actively ignoring you just to be a prick. Descargar desde hotfile.com el juego Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943. Most of the time you'll lose. and this game needs a soundtrack its lame without music so i have to use my battery on my tablet to get music Read More Helpful? Yes No Funny Most Helpful Reviews Overall 26 of 31 people (84%) found this review helpful 1 person found this review funny Lafayette 71 products in account 13 reviews Recommended 9.5 hrs on record Posted: 6 June, 2013 This game is great. Any thing your units can see they can shoot assuming that their target is not outside their maximum range which will be a problem with smgs but will rarely happen with anything else.
The British never had a chance! This is largely my experience playing Theatre of War 2: Africa. The major flaw in this game is control. Mutible forum threads, on multible forums agree with me, that this feature make the game litarally unplayable. Speaking of Russian stereotypes all of the voice acting in this game is apparently done by one, and one of the few joys of this game is hearing a Russian guy impersonate the British accent. Found out its not a tutorial, couse they explain litarally nothing. Filter: Summary Most Helpful Recent Positive (52) Negative (28) Funny . Overall: Mixed (80 reviews) Recently Posted Sarkoth ( 2.2 hrs on record ) Posted: 19 June Very mediocre RTS. Having to restart a level because my tank crew is too busy wetting their pants is not tactical realism. It ends each member of and Melman the Catzs Control Pad enemy fighters as an end to. More than 75% of the were defensive missions and half of those were pure defensive which means that you don't need to move your troops around at all.
Legschmu replied
442 weeks ago